moccasin telegram indigenous based blog

Community Draft BCR

the moccasin telegram community bcr sample



‘comprehensive community action plan’

TURTLE ISLAND                                             

PROVINCE OF ONTARIO                            

COUNCIL CHAMBERS                                 

JUNE 9, 2024                         






WHEREAS THE NATIONS are a signatory to the Robinson Huron Treaty of 1850, one hundred and seventy-four years ago (174) today, and appears as Number (#) on the schedule of reserves;

WHEREAS THE NATIONS recognize the urgent need for action, the Nations understand that addressing the epidemic of illicit drugs is crucial. This includes combatting the violence and disparity caused by the illicit drug trade within our communities. The impact on our children, our citizens, and our families can no longer be ignored. Harboring criminals, dangerous individuals, and armed offenders is a crime that negatively affects the entire community and puts all First Nation members in serious danger. Simultaneously, the Nations must also address human, sex, and drug trafficking associated with organized crime. All of this must be executed with Band financial resources and support while respecting the spiritual sovereignty of our affected collective citizens and our sovereign communities in whole;

WHEREAS THE NATIONS must decisively act to create a safer community, prioritizing the well-being of our children, Aunties, Uncles, Parents, Grandparents, our Elders, and friends, as well as those yet to walk Mother Earth;

WHEREAS THE NATIONS are both dedicated and committed to eradicating all known non-member illicit drugs dealers and expelling immediately all non-member individuals associated with drug use and illicit drug trafficking. Immediate eviction from sovereign lands is mandated, with a two hour notice. Trespass notices will be issued immediately upon eviction, with recommended repeat offenses resulting in 90 to 180 days of incarceration for each sovereign lands Trespassing breach;

WHEREAS THE NATIONS are also committed to eradicating human and sex trafficking on sovereign lands. Any and all individuals associated with such activities must be reported to law enforcement promptly, and immediately expelled from the Nations’ Territory, including all sovereign lands, while physically escorted off the Nation by APS-OPP-RCMP police escort;


WHEREAS THE NATIONS prioritize the safety of our member citizens, first and always, and in doing so, will now implement 24/7 checkpoints at each entrance and exit on First Nations sovereign lands. Non-member visitors will be questioned about their purpose for visiting, expected duration on sovereign lands, intended visiting address, and the person they plan to visit. Photo ID confirmation will be required, along with donating a nominal fee ($2-$5) each visit to the Nation;

WHEREAS THE NATIONS prioritize the safety of all member citizens, and where the Nation is committed to maintaining an accurate and up-to-date list of all residents on our First Nations sovereign lands. This list includes full names, dates of birth, and known addresses, which will also be shared with the APS (Aboriginal Police Service) to enhance our member’s safety and the overall well-being of community. The community resident’s list will be reviewed, updated, and made available to the APS on the 1st of each month;

WHEREAS THE NATIONS propose suspending all scheduled RTH funding transfers subject to members approval, until illicit drug dealers and human and sex trafficking perpetrators are eradicated from within the Nations’ sovereign lands. During this community safety delay, members will equally share in any accrued banking interest gained through the delay. Additionally, for members most in need due to addictions or substance use, funds will be released after each member has received mandatory financial and monetary training, at no cost to member citizens. It is also suggested that members in need may have their funds released in smaller dollar increments, to ensure individual community citizen’s safety and wellbeing;

WHEREAS THE NATIONS are committed to the safety and well-being of all citizens, both present and future generations. Efforts will be made to procure medical cannabis products from Health Canada Licensed Producers and/or equivalent Indigenous Medical Marijuana Producers (NIMMA) for citizens in need, without cost to our members most in need. These plant-based medicines and medical marijuana products may include THC, CBD, CBG, CBN, or other cannabinoids excipients that will replace the need for illicit drugs and substance use, serving as alternatives to illicit drugs while promoting healing once the illicit drug dealers and their poison has been removed from the Nations’ community and sovereign lands. The Nations goal is to support members in their healing journey, and free of charge for those most in need;

WHEREAS THE NATIONS recognize that organized crime has infiltrated our Anishinaabek Territory, affecting our children, adolescents, adults, families and Grandparents of our Sovereign Nations. The unwavering commitment of our leadership lies in ensuring the safety and well-being of our entire membership, as well as securing a prosperous future for proud and strong children of the next seven generations. The Nations will diligently strive to create a secure and fulfilling life for all members, prioritizing first, the best interests of our children, Aunties, Uncles, Parents, Grandparents, Elders, and friends, and for those who have yet to walk upon Mother Earth.


By its Council

_____________________                                                           ___________________

Chief                                                                                           Councilor I

_____________________                                                           ___________________

Councilor II                                                                               Councilor III

_____________________                                                           ___________________

Councilor IV                                                                              Councilor

Page 1 of 1  BCR 01-01-24


June 9, 2024



the moccasin telegram community bcr sample

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